1. aRe yOu seRioUs when it cOmeS tO reLatiOnsHip?
.✿. uHmm yeSz
2. aRe yOu aFraid of cOmMitmeNtS?
.✿. b4 nO bUt nOw yeaH
3. aRe yOu a riSk taKer?
.✿. mOst of the tiMe nO?ehe
4. wHat caN yOu saY abOut lOng diStanCe reLatiOnsHip?
.✿. oNe tHing tO desCribe...itZ haRd
5. cAn yOu loVe a peRsOn whO dOesn't lOve yOu?
.✿. uHmm yeSz, mhiRap nGa lng ehe
6. dO aCtiOns sPeaK lOudeR tHan wOrds?
.✿. sOmetiMes yeS
7. haVe yOu feLt/fOund trUe lOve?
.✿. i tHink nOt yet
8. hOw caN yOu say tHat a peRsOn lOves yOu?
.✿. tHey say u caN feel it daw ehe...d qUh rn aLam
9. aRe yOu gOod in handLing reLatiOnshiP?
.✿. uHhm yesZ ah nO pLa haha d qUh lam
10. willinG tO giVe eVerytHing?
.✿. hnd nMn eVerything perO kYa qng mGsaCrife fOr oUr reLatiOnsHip..
11. beSt tHing yOu've leaRned frOm lOving?
.✿. dOn't be stUpid wid a persOn naH hnd nMn wOrth it,..waahhh
12. dO yOu deMand yOur lOve oNe tO cHange into sOmeOne tHat pLeaSes yOu?
.✿. itZ uP tO them..cOz if sOmeOne really lUvz yOu kuSa siLang mgbabagO lalo naH kUng dpat nMn tlgang bagUhin..
13. wOuld yOu let gO of sOmeone yOu lOve?
.✿. i hate saying diZ un bNg u dOn't waNt to bUt yOu haVe to ehe...if datZ wat maKes hiM hapPy geH bibigy qUh freedOm nYah jUst tO maKe him happY..=(
14. aRe yOu a One wOman maN nd viCe veRsa tyPe of peRsOn?
.✿. ??? haha
15. iS seX impOrtant in a reLatiOnshiP?
.✿. i tHinK nO
16. hOw dO yOu expResS yOur loVe to sOmeOne?
.✿. duNno eh hehe
17. wHat iS tHe majOr reasOn of bReak up?
.✿. uHmm losS oF trUst, pagtataKsil haha lol...nd lying
18. mOst impOrtant inGredieNt in a reLatiOnship?
.✿. loVe, caRe, tRust, reSpeCt, sinCerety
19. eVer reGret loVing sOmeoNe?
.✿. nOpe, cOz at sOme pOint nGing haPpy nMn aqUh
20. oNe tHing yOu hate abOut loVe?
.✿. uHmm hapi memOrieS u'v sHared wid eaCh odeR..dat eVen hOw haRd u tRy u caN't fOrget it
21. oNe tHing yOU liKe abOut lOve?
.✿. diZ feelinG dat only bOth of u knowZ it diZ is sOmetHing dat nObody could eVen undeRstand..
22. wOrSt tHing yOu did tO a loVed oNe?
.✿. hnd nMn xaH woRst haha,..bUt sOmetiMes nOt knOwing nagsUsupladah nah pLa aqUh sUuupeRr ehe
23. aRe yOu in loVe?
.✿. caN't feeL anytHing ehe
24. whitH whOm?
.✿. can't fil anytHing nGa eh
25. dO yOu haVe bf/gf?
.✿. nakUh nMn oH..yeZ i haV unG laptop quh lol haha
27. wHat dO yOu feel riGht nOw?
.✿. dePreSZ
28. dO yOu get tiRed of loVing?
.✿. yesZ yesZ yesZ
29. whO haS cHanged yOur vieW abOut loVing?
.✿. uHhmm nOne lhat cLa preprehas lng.
30. dOes tHe peRsOn yOu lOve knOw tHat yOu loVe him/heR sO muCh?
.✿. uHmM hOpe sO he stil knOwZ it
31. meSsaGe tO yOur lOved oNe?
.✿. kUng saN k maN,..eHe geH jan kna lng..haha
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