1. dO yOu liKe to talK a lOt?
.◘. uHhM yeah,..dePende sa mOod
2. dO yOu luV anyOne nOw?
.◘. yesZ...my laptop lol haha
3. dO yOu hate being scOlded in puBlic?
.◘. da hell xemPre OO
4. dO yOu hate sChOol?
.◘. hNd nMn
5. dO yOu hate yOurself?
.◘. yesZ i dO hate mySelf...
6. dO yOu finD uRself cUte?
.◘. paTay taU jn ahaha dunNo eh
7. dO yOu feel liKe haVing a gf/bf riGht nOw?
.◘. dunnO
8. dO yOu smOke or dRink?
.◘. ????
9. dO yOu liKe yOur teaChers?
.◘. in cOlleGe big YES
10. dO yOu taKe drUgs?
.◘. hell nO...sCented katOl gngamit qUh ahahaha
11. dO tOu liKe gOing to tHe mOvieS?
.◘. uHhmM yeSz ehe
12. dO yOu pRefer callinG or SMS?
.◘. SMS d aqUh madaldal xaH pHone
13. dO yOu eat eVery mOrning?
.◘. nO haha kC tanghaLi nah aqUh mgCng kYa d naH un bReakfaSt.haha
14. dO yOu onliNe eVeryday?
.◘. uHmm nOt really
15. dO yOu want tO cRy now?
.◘. ha?.,wat for ahaha...
16. wHat aRe yOu dOing nOw?
.◘. anSwering diZ suRvey ng cHating
17. wHat aRe yOu tHinKing of nOw?
.◘. uHhm i'm thinking of my ansWer to yOur qUestiOn haha
18. wHat aRe yOu liStening tO nOw?
.◘. hOw dO i liVe
19. whO waS tHe laSt peRsOn whO seNt yOu a meSsaGe?
.◘. paTriXah
20. laSt tiMe yOu gOt lOnely?
.◘. it waS 17th of marCh weN he toLd me naH stOp n daw dmin [stOp n daw nmin mguSe ng dRugZ lol haha joke] naHhh stOp naH daw nMin relaxOn nmin ahuhu..aUn pinkasaddeSt...
21. laSt time sOmeOne maDe yOu hapPy?
.◘. him haha lol cnO daw ung him ehehe bStah un n un.
22. aRe yOu anGry at sOmeOne?
.◘. uHmm nOt reallY
23. gUitar oR drUmS?
.◘. bOth
24. dO yOu love tHe peOpLe whO maKe yOu hapPy?
.◘. yesZ,..ailabU ol peOpLe hahaha
25. wHat iS yOur tarGet fOr diZ yeaR?
.◘. dunnO pah eH
26. dO yOu ratHer shOp alOne or with peOpLe?
.◘. xemPreh wid sUmoNe bOring pg mG isa k lng.
27. whO do yOu hate nOw?
.◘. me, mySelf and i hahaha
28. whO are yOu miSsinG nOw?
.◘. hiM
29. dO yOu thinK yOur eX really loVed yOu?
.◘. sbi nYah oo perO feeLing qUh hnd.
30. meSsaGe tO yOur eneMy?
.◘. hi saU haha,..get lOst ehehe
31. tHe mOst moSt impOrtant tHing in a reLatiOnsHip?
.◘. reSpeCt and tRuSt
32. saY sOmetHing abOut alcOholiSm?
.◘. dRink mOderateLy hahha
33. aNy adVice tO a fRiend yOu knOw whO haS a prOblem?
.◘. kaYa mOh yan, kya pla ntn tOh haha [iSali bah ang sriLi]
34. wHat caN yOU say abOut "HATERS"?
.◘. ailabu mGa hateRs..be inSecUre olwayZ haha mga lOoSerZz
35. nAme a peRsOn you liKe tO see eVeryday.
.◘. uHhm chiZmosa kaw ah,..seCret
36. yOu're inloVe with tHat peRsOn?
.◘. i tHinK yesZ ehe
37. dO yOu have a lOt of piC in yOur fRienDster?
.◘. yUo bUt d reSt of my folders are priVate
38. favoRite pLace?
.◘. ph
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