Monday, 13 April 2009

missing someone Survey

1. Is there someone you can't stop thingking of?
.♥. oHh yeSs
2. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?
.♥. paTriXah maE
3. Have you ever kissed anyone who's name started with J?
.♥. yUp
4. Would you get married if you could right now?
.♥. UhmMm dunNo
5. Are you in a good mood?
.♥. i tHinK yeSz?
6. The last person you argue with?
.♥. UhmM let me bro?..ehe
7. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?
.♥. coLd weatHer
8. Is any part of your body sore?
.♥. yeaHh mY eyEs
9. What do you wear more jeans, sweatpants or slacks?
.♥. jeanSz =)
10. Plans for this weekend?
.♥. uHhm watCh mOvie??.,
11. If you were another person, would you be friends with yourself?
.♥. yeSz i will ehe!!pRa maSaYah,..kc ailab making people laugh..=)
12. Where did you sleep last night?
.♥. i didn't sleep laSt niGht eehhh lol hehe...
13. Are you confident in yourself?
.♥. nO aMm nOt...hehe
14. Brothers/sisters?
.♥. siSters ehe gus2 quh mgkarOon ng ate,..hehe
15. Boyfrien/girlfriend?
.♥. boyfriend?..
16. Are you watching anything?
.♥. yUp i'M watching saDie on yOutube perfOrming her bellydancing..galing nYah sUuper =)
17. Favorite color?
.♥. piNk, bLack nd wHite?
18. Your beSt femaLe friEnd?
.♥. duNno huZ d beSt amOng deM..
19. yOur paRents?
.♥. paRentZ quH?.,.
20. How manY tHinGs in liFe do you haTe?
.♥. hoW manY?.,ehe i can't eVen cOunt deM s sObrng dami perO oK lng.datZ part oF lyf..
21. Is yOur phOne on yOur lap?
.♥. nOpe. itZ on my beD na22lOg lolz haha..
22. Is tHeRe a peRson of tHe oPpoSite seX whO meaNs a lOt tO you?
.♥. yeSz
23. haS anyOne eVer seeN yOu in yOur undeRweaR?
.♥. oU hahaha
24. what aRe yOu lookinG fOrward to?
.♥. sUcCesZ in lyf..
25. dO yOu eVer wanNa knOw wHo yOu're going to maRry?
.♥. nO,.i duNno waaaaa
26. What iS oNe emOtiOn yOu aRe feeLing riGht nOw?
.♥. dePesSed haha
27. HaVe yOu tOld anYbOdy yOu lOved tHem tOday?
.♥. nOpe
28. dO yOu miSs anybOdy?
.♥. oHh yeSz miSz daT peRsOn sOo bad..=(

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