Thursday, 20 August 2009


the pain of having a broken heart os not so much as to kill you,

yet not so little as to let you live


the day you finally decide to love me will be the day after the day i have given up on chasing you


it amazes me so that we enter a relationship whole and leave it only a half


you have to forgive to forget, and forget, to feel again


When love was knocking on my door, i had to pretend i wasn't home, that way, i would never be hurt again. I will always regret that decision


if you find yourself in love with a person who does not love you, be gentle with yourself, there is nothing wrong with you, Love just didn't chosse to rest on the other person's heart


when you break up, your whole identity is shattered, it's like death


i want to be remembered as the girl who always smiles even when heart is broken, and the one that could always brighten up your day even if she couldn't brighten her own


if you can't save the relationship, at least save your pride


you don't die from a broken heart- you only wish you did


they say that if you love someone you should let them go, but they never say what to do when they don;t come back


when time comes for you to give your heart to someone, make sure you select someone who will never break your heart, coz broken hearts has never spare parts


the hardest part of dreaming about someone you love is having to wake up


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