Tuesday, 7 July 2009


> sometimes people build you up, just to knock you down.

> life is made up of years that mean nothing and momentsz that mean it all,...

> don't let your hopes soar to high..coz the hinger they go, the farther you fall and the farther you fall the move it hurts.

> sometimes we must get hurt in order to grow we must fail in order to know sometimes our vision clears only after our eyes are washed away with tears.

> they can't hurt you unless you let them....

> never say gudbye, saying gudbye means going away, and g.o.i.n.g away means forgetting...

> courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughnesz, heart, talent, guts, thatsz what little gurlsz are made of.

> thingsz change, and friendsz leave, life doesn't stop for anybody.

> death is not the greatest loss in life. the greatest loss is what dies inside us while we live.

> i'm a teenager surrounded bt teenage critics. The critics don't like me much, but that's okay, bec. i don't like them either.

> if being sane means thinking it's wrong to be different i'd rather be completely fucking insane.

> One sad thing about this worls is that the acts that take the most out of you are usually the ones other people will never know about.

> a person who chooses to die or to risk death demonstrates that there are values, principles, maxims, that are more valuable to him than is life itself, in short, he places his immortal self above his mortal self, nothing goes by luck in composition, it allows of no trikcz. The best you can write will be the best you are.

> everything good or bad, he's a purpose.

> always give your best, never get discourage, never be petty, always remember others may hate you, but those who hate you don't win, unless you hate them and then you destroy yourelf.

> Luck is taking a chance when you have a choice... destiny is making a choice when you are given the chance.

> Sometimes life can be a pain, but don't give up without a fight.

> ....and you know, see right through you, coz the world gets in your way. What's the point in all this screaming your not listening anyway.

> if you knew me yesterday, pls do not think that i am the same person that you are meeting today. I have experience more in life, i have encountered new depths in those i love, i have suffered and prayed, and i am different.

> you may shoot me with your words, you may cut me with your eyes, you may kill me with your hatefullness... but still, like air, i will rise...

> don't hate, its too big a burden to bear.

> being taken for granted can be a compliment, it means you've become a comfortable, trusted element in other persons life..

> we do not know the true value of our moments until they have undergone the test of memory.

> ...and it was then i realized that i was only a part of the past, so there was nothing i could do, but go..except i didn't....i couldn't

> silence is the most powerful cry.

> some people are afraid of what they might find if they try to analize themeselves too much, but you have to crawl into your wounds to discover where your fears are, once the bleeding starts, the cleansing can began,

> the hardest part about growing up is letting go of what you were used to and moving on with something you're not.

> dealing with backstabbers, there was one thing i learned. they're only powerful when you got your back turned.

> don't cry about loss. God never takes anything away without replacing it.

> sometimes you have to forgive people, just bec. you want them back in your life,

> worry more about your character than your reputation. character is what you are, reputation is merely what others think you are.

> life is short, kiss slowly, luv deeply and forgive quickly... forget the past, but remember what it taught you,

> i trust everyone...its the devil inside them i don't trust.

> it seems everytime i find myself, i end up loosing everyone else./

> she was a girl who knew how to be happy even when she was sad and that's important....you know

> i guess when all is said and done, you are who you are and that should be good enough for everybody else.

> when words fail, music speaks

> nobody can take away your pain, so don't let anyone take away your happiness

> you want to but you can't, and when you do, you wish you didn't

> follow your heart, but take your brain with you.

> nobody takes a picture of something they want to forget.

> don't judge me before you know me the more you use your eyes the less you see.

> being happy doesn't mean things are perfect, it just means you've decided to look past the imperfections.

> most people don't know who they are that's why they lie, they're afraid, someone else will figure it out before they do.

> we inly do it for the scars and stories.

> i finally learned what lifes about, hanging on when your hearts had enough and giving more when you wanna give up.

> its so hard to forget pain. But its even harder to remember sweetness we have, no scar to show for happiness, we learn so little from peace.

> nver argue with an idiot, they drag you down to their level then beat you with experience.

> tough people are not born. They're made when no one is there for them to wipe away their tears.

> if you are afraid of criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.

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