Friday, 2 October 2009

sad quotes 1

WuT CoMeS aRouND GoeS aRouND THaTS WuT PPL Say
So aLL THa PaiN u CauSeD MeH WiLL CoMe BaCK 2 u SuMDay

dOn`t yOu ever w0nder wh0 wOuld really give a fuck if yOu were g0ne?

*ii guess ii don`t deserve* . . . . - a n y * o n e - . . . .

iM TiReD oF aLL dA BuLlShyT And LiEs I wOnT aCCePt jus aNoTHa GuY

The -hardest- thing about -living- is knwin one day ull *die*
da hardest thing bout growin up is 1 day, ull question *why* da hardes thing bout lovin any1- is 1 day, hell make u *cry*

if you ask yourself the °ºquestionº° was it reele worth the - [ *p a i n* ] the answer mite »surprise« you ][ cuz the sun is worth the rain ][

im startin tO learn frOm relatiOnshipz in tha past lifez a bunch Of bullshit 'nd prOmisez never last

ill b strong even tho i hurt so bad
ill move on as fast as i can
i wont need u cuz u were never there
n i wont love u simply cuz u wont even care

iF i CuD sHoW yOu hOw mUcH yOu hUrT mE YoU'd nEvEr bE abLe tO LoOK mE iN tHe EyEs AgAiN

im startin tO learn frOm relatiOnshipz in tha past lifez a bunch Of bullshit 'nd prOmisez never last

was stressin tO much shit my mind was qOin crazy i finally wOke uhp lettin nOthin phase me

Sometimes I wonder if it's really worthwhile.
If I should keep going. . . Faking this smile

I need you here with me, but you wanna be with her...our feelings were real but now yours are a blur

i luved him liek no1 else before
he stayed in my heart forever and more
he ripped it out and took my heart away
and he decided to go on with his life anyway

ill b strong even tho i hurt so bad
ill move on as fast as i can
i wont need u cuz u were never there
n i wont love u simply cuz u wont even care

i WiSh LyFe wAs LiKe a FaIrY tALE aNd PeOPLe wErE aLwaYs fRiEndS iNsTeAd oF tHeSe nOn sToP dIsAStErS ThAt nEvEr wAnT tO eNd

iF i CuD sHoW yOu hOw mUcH yOu hUrT mE YoU'd nEvEr bE abLe tO LoOK mE iN tHe EyEs AgAiN

TrUe LoVe? i UsEd tO bELiEve iT eXiStEd BuT wHeN uVe HaD uR hEaRt tHrOwN tO thE fLoOr yOu jUsT DoNt cArE aNyMoRE...

SoMeOnE sHoULd sUe DiSnEy foR PuTtInG tHe iDeA iN LiTTLe gIRLs MiNdS ThAt EvERyoNe hAs a PrInCe cHaRmInG AnD eVeRyThINg wILL eNd HaPpiLy EvEr aFtEr

i WisH sOmEoNe cOuLD hELp mE ANd sHoW mE wHaT tO dO LiFe JuS aInT wOrTH iT sOmEtImEs iM LEFt hErE feELiNg uSeD

i UsEd tO bE nOrMaL YoUnG aNd HaPpY NoW iM LeFt a BrOkEn iMaGe oF tHe GuRL i UsEd tO bE

-:-YoU thInk You knO mY FeeLiNz-:- *mY sTruGglEz-My FeArZ* -:-bUt iTz juS lIke DiArY u tHnk u Kno-:- *bUt YoU haVe No Idea

heres to the past they can[ kiss] my ass i hope hes happy wit her, heres to the guy who fell outta my sky, that angel that did me in.

(*( I wish I could take all the tears I`ve cried `n just Fvcking drown yoO in them )*)

iin dha end yOu learn whO`z fake ..whO`z tru.. n whO`D risk errthanq fuh yOu

iM NoT SaYiN iM BaTtErEd aNd BrUiSeD bUt i MiGhT As WeLL Be WiThy ThE WoRdS ThAt YoU UsEd....

Sometimes I want someone to just hold me when I need it. Not a hug, but just hold me, you know? I need someone to actually love me for once in my life

I still feel the same
though everything has changed
the pain it cost now
I feel lost inside of my own name

i WaNnA bELiEVE eVeRyThInG YoUvE sAiD
bUt aLL tHeSe FEeLiNgS r MeSsIn wIT mY hEaD
i DunO wHAT tO tHiNK i duNo WhAt tO fEeL
i JuS wAnT A LoVe tHaT'LL bE *REAL*

*¤«»ît§ ëä§ÿ tø f䣣 íñ £øvë ßüt ït§ härÐ tø fïñÐ thë rïght Þërsøñ tø ¢ät¢h ü«»¤*

No matter how hard i seem to try
you turn around and TwIsT my words into a lie
are relationships supposed to be like this?
cuz if they are...then i *quit*

GuYs aRe EviL!!! NeEd PrOoF??? ThErE ArE CeRtAiN PeOpLe wHo HaVe ToLd uS ThAt GoD iS a WoMaN, BuT BeFoRe ThE DeViL WaS SeNt To HeLL,......He WaS a MaN!!!

You're just...a fuck.
I can't explain it 'cause I think you suck.
I'm taking pride,
In telling you to Fuck Off and Die.

There's no sin in loving men. Only pain!

The male chromosome is an incomplete female chromosome. In other words, the male is a walking abortion; aborted at the gene stage. To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males are emotional cripples

a message to men: Fuck you and your untouchable face. Fuck you for existing in the first place.

: Men are at the bottem of the pyramid of life. They're jerks and women know it, but the problem is that some of them pretend not to be and then end up as jerks after all. So what's the point in even waiting around for a "good one"? How about we bury 'em and use them only for breeding.

*My fantasy of us turned to make believe,
All thats left are my shattered dreams*

wUT doO u DoO WeN evERyThiNG iS rONg And NOThiN iS riTE? WEN u ThiNk Of hiM fIRst thiNG n ThE mORninG n LaSt thiNG aT NiTe... wEn uR hEaRt iS sTUck FoRr hiM aNd He doSeNT EvEnn CaRE...
WeN ThE oNLii ThiNG oN uR miND iS How LifE isNT FaiR... WEn Ur bEsT friEndZ r ChaNgiNG n So iS tHE oLD YoUu... WEn EvEryBodiE tHAt wAs THeRE iS nOO LonGer trUu... WeN u TrYy tOO sMiLE wHiLE hoLDiNG BAk TeARzz... WeN u LEaVe EaCh DaYy SkRedD oF uR fEaRzz.. WuT Doo U dOO wEn YoUr FeeLinG dOWn n dEpREeSsEDd??? WEN uR EyEz R fiLLEd WiT tEaRz aNd UR ToO daMN stREssEd... DoO u SiT baKk n WaiT tOo SEe iF IT aLL LAsT... DoO u SiT*KrY*thINK n REmiNiCe BoUT thE paSt.... SoMEbODiE aNSwEr MeeH CuZ i KaNT fiGurE iT oUTt?!?! iS iT aLWaiiZ guNNa b LikE thiS? iS thaT wUT LiFeZ aLL ABoUTt?

what if sOmeone told you..
that you could take back
one single mistake in your

yeah, 'you only hurt me and broke my heart. that's
it. so what if i put dirt on your name or say that you
aren't worth sh1t? i've been holding on for way to
long. i gotta realize you did me wrOng. x|3'

_.׺ThE MorE FriendZ YoU HaVeº×._
_.׺ThE MorE ProblemZ YoU SeEº×._
_.׺CuZ EveryOnE ThatS A ParT Of uR LifEº×._
_.׺TalkS WheN YoU CanT SeEº×._

..·´`i AiN't TrIpPin - i'M JuSt mIssIn yOu.·´`.

once there was love and i was a fool
once there was love and it was all about you
once there was trust and now theres no more
enough is enough so im walking out the door

I wanted a perfect ending. Now I've learned, the hard way, that some poems don't rhyme, and some stories don't have a clear beginning, middle and end. Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it, without knowing what's to happen next. Hate is easy, love takes courage.


Have y0u ever f0und s0me0ne
Y0u d r e a m t 0f aLl your life
Y0u`d d0o just ab0ut aNything
t0o l0ok in t0o their E y E Sz.. *
have u finaLly f0und the O n e
y0uve given y0ur H e a r t t0o
0 n l y t0o f ii n D that 0 n e
w0nt give their Heart t0 y0u

Life is like a kaleidoscope
Changing colors every day
But there is one thing that I know
You can't mess around with your fate

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