Thursday, 14 May 2009

luv.fate.destiny[breakup qowt]

This better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

Some of us think holding on makes us strong;but sometimes it is letting go.

For few love can last a lifetime,but for many not knowing whento let go can hold them back forever.

If this is goodbye,don't come backif this is the end,don't wake me up.

You broke me, you broke my heart,you broke everything!

You turned my world upside down and inside out,BUT I know it was worth it forthat one moment of love we had,it's a shame it went bad..

You walk by me everyday and say hello.Everyday you take time out to listen to me.You talk to me, smile at me,laugh with me, and have fun with me.Well, I talk, smile and laugh too,but inside I'm hurting.Deep down it hurts to be with you becauseI love you and you are only a friend.

One day you'll ask me,"which is more important to you, me or your life"I'll say, "My life" and you'll go andleave me with out knowing that you are my life...

I dont miss him, I miss who I thought he was...

Never be sad for what is over,just be glad that it was once yours.

The hardest part of loving someoneis knowing when to let go,and knowing when to say goodbye.

Never say 'I like you' if you don't care.Never talk about feelings if they're not there.Never touch a life if you mean to break a heart.

Romantic love is an illusion.Most of us discover this truth at the end of a love affairor else when the sweet emotions of lovelead us into marriage and then turn down their flames.

Love is hard work;and hard work sometimes hurts!.

Harsh words break no bones but they do break hearts.

When you break up,your whole identity is shattered.It's like death.

No matter who broke your heart,or how long it takes to heal,you'll never get through it without your friends.

Trying to forget someone you love is liketrying to remember someone you never knew.

Relationships are like glass.Sometimes it's better to leave them brokenthan try to hurt yourself putting it back together.

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak;sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.

In the arithmetic of love,one plus one equals everything,and two minus one equals nothing.

As soon as forever is through, I'll be over you.

How can I lose something that I never had?
They say, 'Time heals all wounds.'If that is true, then I guess mine go deeper than pain.There are no words to choose over losing you.I guess I found out out too late,and now all I feel is heartbreakthat only hurts when I breathe.

And maybe this will end tomorrowor 2 weeks or 4 months or maybe even 2 yearsfrom now but no matter when it endsI'll never regret any of it
Sadness flies away on the wings of time.
Someone can walk into your lifeand it is not until after they walk outthat you realize that they were even there
Love can tear you can kill you. But if you’re lucky,it can put you back together.
I hate you...and then I love's like I want to throw you off a cliff....then rush to the bottom to catch you.
It hurts the most when you canactually feel your heart breaking.

The ones that you love the most areusually the ones that hurt you the most.

True love never dies as we see in our eyes,only when we let go that we can truly say goodbye.

Memories are the best souvenirs.

If your love does not work with that person,it just means that someone else loves you more.

I don't know what to do now that we're apart;I don't know how to live without the other half of my heart.

Now that I have loved so purely and deeply,I have realized how lonely I really am.

There is nothing sadder in this lifethan to watch someone you love walk awayafter they have left you.To watch the distance betweenyour two bodies expand until there isnothing left but empty space... and silence.

Watching you walk out of my lifehasn't made me bitter or cynical about love,but rather, it has shown me that if I wanted so badlyto be with the wrong person,how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along.

Watching you walk out of my lifehasn't made me bitter or cynical about love,but rather, it has shown me that if I wanted so badlyto be with the wrong person,how beautiful it will be when the right one comes along.

Sometimes I wish I had never met you becausethen I could go to bed at night not knowingthere was someone like you out there.

...A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding..Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling..And the most painful thing is, no one really hears it, except you..

...I cry because I know he doesn't feel the way I do.I cry because I think of how pathetic I am,and I cry because I think I'll be crying forever.

Some people say the worst way to miss someone iswhen they are right next to you andyou know you can't have them,but it's worse when you thoughtyou didn't want them anymoreand then all of a sudden you realizeyou can't live without them.

It is now one of my biggest regrets in this life:not to have seen the extent of your love for me.

I wish that you were here or that I were there,or that we were together anywhere!

Breaking up is just like having theworst nightmare after having the best dream.

Breaking up is not a stupid thing;instead it makes you a better personand realize your mistakes.

If you can't save the relationship,at least save your pride.

My biggest fear is that one day we willpass each other on the streetsand have an artifical conversation.

He taught me how to love,but not how to stop.

...You were the one that could alway make me smileYou were the one that could always make me laughYou were the one who could always tell when i was mad or sadYou were the one who always knew wat i was thinking just by looking in my eyesYou were the one i always trustedYou were the one that told me u never wanted to lose meYou were the one that always cheered the loudest for me when i had a track meet but.....You were the one that let me downYou were the one that broke a big promise to meYou were the one i never thought would do thatYou were the one who broke me heart

Monday, 11 May 2009

-[A dOgs soUl]-

Every dog must have a soul
Somewhere deep inside
Where all his hurts and grievances
Are buried with his pride.
Where he decides the good and bad,
The wrong way from the right,
And where his judgement carefully
Is hidden from our sight.
A dog must have a secret place
Where every thought abides,
A sort of close acquaintance that
He trusts in and confides.
And when accused unjustly for
Himself, He cannot speak,
Rebuked, He finds within his soul
The comfort he must seek.
He'll love, tho'he is unloved,
And he'll serve tho'badly used,
And one kind word will wipe away
The times when he's abused.
Altho' his heart may break in two
His love will still be whole,
Because God gave to every dog
An understanding Soul!

Sunday, 10 May 2009

-[i onLy wanteD yOu]-

They say memories are golden
well maybe that is true
I never wanted memories,
I only wanted you.
A million times I needed you,
a million times I cried.
If love alone could have saved you
you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly,
In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place
no one could ever fill.
If tears could build a stairway
and heartache make a lane,
I'd walk the path to heaven
and bring you back again.
Our family chain is broken,
and nothing seems the same.
But as God calls us one by one,
the chain will link again.

-[A pRayer fOr animaLs]-

Hear our humble prayer, O God, for our
friends the animals,
especially for animals who are suffering;
for any that are hunted or lost or
deserted or frightened or hungry;
for all that must be put to death.
We entreat for them all Thy mercy and pity,
and for those who deal with them we ask a
heart of compassion and gentle hands and
kindly words. Make us, ourselves, to be true
friends to animals and so to share the blessings
of the merciful.

-[tHe dOg whO haVe sHared oUr liVes]-

The dogs who've shared our lives.
In subtle ways they let us know
their spirit still survives.
Old habits still make us think
we hear a barking at the door.
Or step back when we drop
a tasty morsel on the floor.
Our feet still go around the place
the food dish used to be,
And, sometime, coming home at night,
we miss them terribly.
And although time may bring new friends
and a new food dish to fill,
That one place in our hearts
belongs to them...
and always will.


"Not the least hard thing to bear when
they go from us, these quiet friends,
is that they carry away with them so
many years of our lives. Yet, if they
find warmth therein, who would
begrudge them those years that they
have so guarded?
And whatever they take,
be sure they have deserved."

-[Room in your Heart]-

Sorrow fills a barren space;
you close your eyes and see my face
and think of times I made you laugh,
the love we shared, the bond we had,
the special way I needed you -
the friendship shared by just we two.

The day's too quiet, the world seems older,
the wind blows now a little colder.
You gaze into the empty air
and look for me, but I'm not there -
I'm in heaven and I watch you,
and I see the world around you too.

I see little souls wearing fur,
souls who bark and souls who purr
born unwanted and unloved -
I see all this and more above -
I watch them suffer, I see them cry,
I see them lost, I watch them die.
I see unwanted thousands born -
and when they die, nobody mourns.

These little souls wearing fur
(Some who bark and some who purr)
are castaways who - unlike me -
will never know love or security.
A few short months they starve and roam,
Or caged in shelters - nobody takes home.
They're special too (furballs of pleasure),
filled with love and each one, a treasure.

My pain and suffering came to an end,
so don't cry for me, my person, my friend.
But think of the living -
those souls with fur
(some who bark and some who purr) -
And though our bond can't be broken apart,
make room for another in your home and
your heart.

-[Just My Dog]-

He is my other eyes that can see above
the clouds; my other ears that hear above
the winds. He is the part of me that can
reach out into the sea.
He has told me a thousand times over that
I am his reason for being: by the way he
rests against my leg; by the way he thumps
his tail at my smallest smile; by the way he
shows his hurt when I leave without taking him.
(I think it makes him sick with worry when he
is not along to care for me.)
When I am wrong, he is delighted to forgive.
When I am angry, he clowns to make me smile.
When I am happy, he is joy unbounded.
When I am a fool, he ignores it.
When I succeed, he brags.
Without him, I am only another man. With him,
I am all-powerful.
He is loyalty itself.
He has taught me the meaning of devotion.
With him, I know a secret comfort and a
private peace. He has brought me understanding
where before I was ignorant.
His head on my knee can heal my human hurts.
His presence by my side is protection against
my fears of dark and unknown things.
He has promised to wait for me...
he never...wherever--in case I need him.
And I expect I will--as I always have.
He is just my dog.

-[tHe beSt pLace tO burY a dOg]-

"There is one best place to bury a dog.
"If you bury him in this spot, he will
come to you when you call - come to you
over the grim, dim frontier of death,
and down the well-remembered path,
and to your side again.

"And though you call a dozen living
dogs to heel, they shall not growl at
him, nor resent his coming,
for he belongs there.

"People may scoff at you, who see
no lightest blade of grass bent by his
footfall, who hear no whimper, people
who may never really have had a dog.
Smile at them, for you shall know
something that is hidden from them,
and which is well worth the knowing.

"The one best place to bury a good
dog is in the heart of his master."
"If A Dog Be Well Remembered"
"Where TO Bury A Dog"

Just a Dog

From time to time, people tell me,
"lighten up, it's just a dog,"
or, "that's a lot of money for just a dog."
They don't understand the distance traveled,
the time spent, or the costs involved for
"just a dog."
Some of my proudest moments have come about with
"just a dog."
Many hours have passed and my only company was
"just a dog."
but I did not once feel slighted.
Some of my saddest moments have been brought about by
"just a dog."
and in those days of darkness,
the gentle touch of "just a dog"
gave me comfort and reason to overcome the day.
If you, too, thinks it's "just a dog,"
then you will probably understand phases
like "just a friend," "just a sunrise," or
"just a promise."
"Just a dog" brings into my lfe the very essence
of friendship, trust, and pure unbridled joy.
"Just a dog" brings out the compassion and
patience that make me better person.
Because of "just a dog" i will rise early,
take long walks and look longingly to the future.
So for me and folks like me, it's not "just a dog"
but an embodiment of all the hopes and dreams
of the future, the fond memories of the past,
and the pure joy of the moment.
"Just a dog" brings out what's good in me and
diverts my thoughts away from myself and the
worries of the day.
I hope that someday they can understand and keeps
me from being "just a woman."
So the next time you hear the phrase "just a dog"
just smile, because they "just don't understand."

The Best Part About Owning a Dog the way he will come over to see me.
for no reason, just to let me know i'm
important to him the way he is always ready to lick the
jelly off my nose...
is the way he looks into my eyes and finds
contentment in simply being near me the way he will run all over the yard,
fetch a soggy tennis ball and bring it back
to me as if to say "look mom, it's all have
but it's yours the way he wakes me up in the morning by pushing
his cold wet nose in my ear and sbugffing loudly the way he shreds toilet paper all over the house,
because it's fun even though he knows he shoudn't the way he's sure he can catch the ducks in the
lake today... the way he comes over to me when he is sad the wya he wedges himself near me when I am sad
push all others away, to console me with his love the way he pounces on crickets in the backyard the way he looks perplexed when they escape the way he is terrified of the evil pink hula hoop the way he doesn't mind how much of that horrid
perfume i'm wearing just because it was a gift from
my relative who's visiting the way he doesn't care about bad hair day or
overdue bills the way he loves you, even when you are impatient
with him and have no time this morning for a game
of tug-a-war the way his coat feels like liquid silk under
my fingers the way he finds wisdom beyond words

Thursday, 7 May 2009


to denigrate the other.
You must have personal respect and
cosideration for yourself
Everyone desrves respect and love, but you
can't expect to get it unless you give it.
If you allow your partner to disparage you, except
to hear other damaging words.
Whatever you are willing to accept is exsactly what
you're going to get.
Be compassionate, understanding, forgiving and
Patience, kindness, consideration and
thoughtfulness can never be in short demand.

hurt or degrade you or your partner.
Vow to protect yourself from thoughtless, rude,
mean or punishing behavior.
If destructive words are being used, for whatever
the reason it must stop. If not, a relationship
can't survive.
Once you've reacted you can then proactive.
A controlled mouth shows a controlled mind.
Use words for empowerment, encouragement and
positive recognition.
Ask for respect. Quietly demand it. If your lover,
partner, parent or friend can'r exhibit self control
over their mout, seriously consider looking
elsewhere for a relationship.
Pick an appropriate the time to discuss important
issues. This is particularly true if there is an
emotional charge where feelings of anger or
vexation need to be vented.

private or intimate issues in public. Wait until you
have privacy and the time to tackle issues.
If a person makes a mistak, or does something
that disappoints or angers you, belittlement or
badmouthing them in front of others will only lead
to further resentment, anger and frustration.
Talking is good for closure of some issues, and
unless allowed, will create a wound that won't

words on the separated or departed. Life and
thought continues.
Romance doesn't just exist, you must make it
happen. You must make a sincere effort to keep it
alive to help your relationship flourish.
Little things count, it doesn't have to be a dozen
roses and champagne all the time. A favorite
piece of candy in a pocket or a litle note can
mean a lot.
Commit yourself to do something romatic everyday.
Show it, demonstrate it. It's the accumulative
total of the little things that in end adds up to a
super special love romance.