~¿ô - wink
~¿~ - sleeping
<ô¿ô> - my peeking lol
©ªªªªªª© - handcuffs
<(__)o - tea
!..¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.» Wow !..¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.»
c[_]~~ c[_]~~ c[_]~~ COFFEE BREAK c[_]~~ c[_]~~ c[_]~~
»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»..»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»..»§«:*´`³¤³´`*:»§« - fairy dust
}}i{{ }}i{{ }}i{{ ß ~~~ ß ~~~ - butterflies
(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸(¯`'·.¸mel¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯)¸.·'´¯) ¸.·'´¯)
°·°·°·°·°·°·° ((`¸.·´ .·´'-:¦:- -:¦:- ..· ´¨¨)) -:¦:- -:¦:- ¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
-:¦:- -:¦:--:¦:- -:¦:-
Thursday, 28 January 2010
M - More/Message
MBW - My Beautiful Wife
MDR - May-December Relationship
MTCW - My Two Cents Worth
MIL - Mother-In-Law
MTCW - My Two Cents Worth
MIL - Mother-In-Law
MILF - Mother I'd Like to Find-in-my-bed/Fantasize-about
M/C - Miscarriage
M/C - Miscarriage
MOF - Matter Of Fact
MOSS - Memeber Of Same Sex
MOT - Man On Top
MOTD - Message Of The Day
MOW - Mom On Wheels
M/S - Morning Sickness
M/S - Morning Sickness
MPOV - My Point Of View
MWAH - kissing sound, like "smooch."
MYOB - Mind Your Own Business
NAK - Nursing At Keyboard
NFP - Natural Family Planning
NDE - Near-Death Experience
NH - Nice Hand
NMP - Not My Problem
NMS - Not My Style
NM - Never Mind/No Message
NMS - Not My Style
NP - No Problem
NOYL - Not On Your Life
NRN - No Reply Necessary
NPI - No Pun Intended
NT - No Text
N/T - No Text
OBTW - Oh By The Way
OC - Other Child
OIC - Oh I See
OIC - Oh I See
OHT - One Handed Typing
OMG - Oh My God/Goodness/Gosh
OOT - Out Of Town
OR - Open Relationship
OT _ Off Topic
OTF - On The Floor
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTOH - On The Other Hand
OTT - Over The Top
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
OTTOMH - Off The Top Of My Head
OW/OM - Other Woman/Other Man
PE - Premature Ejaculation
PFFT - imitates the sound of a rasberry
PD - Public Doman
PDS - Please Don't Shout
PG - Pregnant/Pregancy
PITA - Pain In The Ass
PLS - Please
PLS - Please
PMBI - Pardon Me Butting In
PMF - Pardon My French
PMFJI - Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP - Peeing My Pants
PMP - Peeing My Pants
PMS - Premenstrual Syndrome
PPD - Post-Partum Depression
POV - Point Of View
PS - Post Script
PTB - Powers That Be
PTL - Praise The Lord
PTL - Praise The Lord
PTMM - Please Tell Me More
QOTW - Question Of The Week
RAK - Random Acts of Kindness
RAV - Report A Violation
RC - reverse cowgirl - Smile
REHI - Hello Again
RL - Real Life
ROFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off
ROFL - Rolling On The Floor Laughing
ROFLMAO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My A** Off
ROFLMAOSHIGP- ROFLMAO Laughing So Hard I Gotta Pee
ROFLMBO - Rolling On The Floor Laughing My Butt Off
RSN - Real Soon Now
RTA - Reply/Respond To Archives
RTFAQ - Read The FAQ
RTFAQ - Read The FAQ
RTM - Read The Message
RUOK - Are You OK?
SAHD - Stay-At-Home Dad
SAHM - Stay-At-Home Mom
SAK - Sex After Kids
SAHM - Stay-At-Home Mom
SAK - Sex After Kids
SBT - Sad But True
SCNR - Sorry Could Not Resist
SD - Step-Daughter
SFSG - So Far So Good
SITD - Still In The Dark
SIL - Sister-In-Law
SMS - Secrets of Married Sex
SIL - Sister-In-Law
SMS - Secrets of Married Sex
SOOL - Shit Out Of Luck
SS - Step-Son
SSDD - Same Stuff, Different Day
SO - Significant Other
SO - Significant Other
SOHF - Sense Of Humor Failure
SOL - Smiling Out Loud (or You're Out of Luck)
SOS - Same Old Stuff
SOW - Speaking Of Which
SFGTDT - Something For God To Do Today
SPAM - Stupid Person's AdvertiseMent
STBX - Soon To Be EX (NSETBX Not Soon Enough To Be Ex)
STTN Sleeping Through The Night
STS - So To Speak
SWAG - Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SWALK - Sealed With a Loveing Kiss
SWIM - See What I Mean
TAL - Thanks A Lot
TAFN - Thats All For Now
TAYL - Talk At You Later
TAYL - Talk At You Later
THX - Thanks
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TIA - Thanks In Advance
TIC - Tongue In Cheek
TIME - Tears In My Eyes
TMTH- Too Much Too Handle
TMI - Too Much Information
TNWIS - Thats Not What I Said
TNX - Thanks
TOBG - This Oughta Be Good
TOY - Thinking Of You
TPTB - The Powers To Be
TR - Tubla Reversal
TTFN - Ta Ta For Now
TTYL - Talk To You Later
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TTC - Trying To Conceive
TWIMC - To Whom It May Concern
TY - Thank You
TY - Thank You
TYVM - Thank You Very Much
URL - Web Page Address
U/S - Ultrasound
UOK - Are You OK?
VAS - Vasectomy
VB - Vaginal Birth
VBAC - Vaginal Birth After Caesarean
VBG - Very Big Grin
VR - Vasectomy Reversal
WAHD - Work At Home Dad
WAHM - Work At Home Mom
WAHM - Work At Home Mom
W/B - Welcome Back
WDYT - What Do You Think
WE - Whatever
WMH - With My Heart
WMH - With My Heart
WOA - Work Of Art
W/O - Without
WOHD - Work Out Of Home Dad
WOHM - Work Out Of Home Mom
WOHD - Work Out Of Home Dad
WOHM - Work Out Of Home Mom
WOT - Woman On Top
WRT - With Regard To or With Respect To
WS - Wandering Spouse
WTG - Way To Go
WTG - Way To Go
WTH - What The Heck/Hell
WU? - What's Up?
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
WYSIWYG - What You See Is What You Get
YGIAGAM - Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
YGIAGAM - Your Guess Is As Good As Mine
YKWIM - You Know What I Mean
YGM - You Got Mail
YGTI - You Get The Idea
YGWYPF - You Get What You Pay For
YGWYPF - You Get What You Pay For
YIU - Yes I Understand
YMMV - Your Mileage May Vary
YW - Your Welcome
AF - Aunt Flo - Menstrual Cycle
AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFAIC - As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AAMOF - As A Matter Of Fact
AFAIK - As Far As I Know
AFAIC - As Far As I'm Concerned
AFAICT - As Far As I Can Tell
AFK - Away From Keyboard
AIUI - As I Understand It
ALSL - Along The Same Line
AKA - Also Known As
AP - Attachment Parenting
AP - Affair Partner
ASAP - As Soon As Possible
AWHFY - Are We Having Fun Yet
AYOR - At Your Own Risk
B4 - Before
B4N - Bye 4 Now
BFN - Bye For Now
BAK - Back At Keyboard
BBL - Be Back Later
BCNU - Be Seeing You
BF - BreastFeeding
BF - BoyFriend
BFP - Big Fat Positive
BFN - Big Fat Negative
BJ - BlowJob
BIL - Brother-In-Law
BIL - Brother-In-Law
BIF - Before I Forget
BM - Biological Mother
BOB - Battery Operated BoyFriend/Buddy
BRB - Be Right Back
BRB - Be Right Back
BS - Betrayed Spouse
BSF - Be/But Seriously Folks
BTDT - Been There Done That
BSF - Be/But Seriously Folks
BTDT - Been There Done That
BTF - Bottle Feeding
BTW - By The Way
BTW - By The Way
BWL - Bursting With Laughter
BYKT - But You Knew That
CIO - Cry It Out
CL - Community Leader
CL - Community Leader
CM - Community Moderator
CP - community Producer
CRAFT - Can't Remember A Flipping Thing
CRS - Can't Remember "Stuff"
CTS - Consider The Source
CTTD- Cute Things They Do
CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time
CTTD- Cute Things They Do
CWOT - Complete Waste Of Time
CU - See You
CUL - See You Later
CWYL - Chat With You Later
CYE - Check Your Email
DA - Dear Angle
DC - DayCare
DDB Due Date Buddy
DF - Dear Fiance'
DFTT - Don't Feed The Trolls
DGS - Dear GrandSon
DGD - Dear GrandDaughter
DIIK - Damned If I Know
DIL - Daughter-In-Law
DILF - Daddy I'd Like to Find-in-my-bed/Fantasize-about
DIY - Do It Yourself
DIY - Do It Yourself
DK - Don't Know
DPO - Days Past Ovulation
DH - Dear Husband
DW - Dear Wife
DD - Dear Daughter
DS - Dear Son
DW - Dear Wife
DD - Dear Daughter
DS - Dear Son
DSD - Dear Step Daughter
DSS - Dear Step Son
You can also insert other appropriate "D" words to fit the spirit of the post.
DSDF - Different Strokes for Different Folks
DYJHIW - Don't You Just Hate It When....
EA - Emotional Affair
ED - Erectile Disfunction
EOF - End Of File
EDD - Estimated Due Date
EOD - End Of Discussion
EOM - End Of Message
EZ - Easy
EZ - Easy
FAQ - Frequently Asked Question
F2F - Face To Face
F2F - Friend To Friend
F2F - Face To Face
F2F - Friend To Friend
FB - Family Bed
FPM - Family Planning Method
FBOW - For Better Or Worse
FBOW - For Better Or Worse
FBIL- Future-Brother-in-Law
FFIL- Future-Father-in-Law
FI - Future-In-Law
FIL - Father-In-Law
FIL - Father-In-Law
FH - Future-Husband
FMIL - Future-Mother-in-Law
FOAF - Friend Of A Friend
FOC - Free Of Charge
FOCL - Falling Off the Chair Laughing
FSIL - Future-Sister-in-Law
FSIL - Future-Sister-in-Law
FWIW - For What It's Worth
FWB - Friends With Benefits
FTL - Faster Than Light
FUBB - Fouled UP Beyoung Belief
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYA - For Your Amusement
FYE - For Your Entertainment
FYI - For Your Information
FYI - For Your Information
F/U - Follow Up
- Grin
GD&R - Grinning, Ducking and Running
GMTA - Great Minds Think Alike
GIGO - Garbage In Garbage Out
GF- Girl Friend
GF - GrandFather
GFN - Gone For Now
GD - GrandDaughter
GG - Good Game
GM - Grand Mother
GMA - Grandma
GPA - Grandpa
GS - GrandSon
GTG - Got Two Go
GTSY - Good Two See You
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HAND - Have A Nice Day
HAK - Hugs And Kisses
HTH - Hope That Helps
HL - High Libidos
HPT - Home Pregnacy Test
HoH - Hard Of Hearing
HUGS - Hope You Get Some
HUGS - Hope You Get Some
HUH - Hard-Up Husband
HUW - Hard-Up Wife
HTH - Hope That Helps
HTH - Hope That Helps
HTH - Hope This Helps
IAE - In Any Event
IANAL - I Am Not A Lawyer (but...)
IANAD - I Am Not A Doctor
IBTD - I Beg To Differ
IC - intercourse, or individual counseling
ICCL - I Could Care Less
IDK - I Don't Know
IIRC - If I Recall Correctly
IIWM - If It Were ME
IKWYM - I Know What You Mean
IMA - I Might Add
IME - In My Experience
IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMHO - In My Honest/Humble Opinion
IMNSHO - In My Not So Humble Opinion
IME - In My Experience
INPO - In No Particular Order
IOW - In Other Words
IRL - In Real Life
ITA - I totally agree
ISP - Internet Service Provider
IOW - In Other Words
IRL - In Real Life
ITA - I totally agree
ISP - Internet Service Provider
ISTM - It Seems To Me
ISTR - I Seem to Recall
ITRO - In The Region Of.....
IYSWIM - If You See What I Mean
JAM - Just A Minute
JIC - Just In Case
J/K - Just kidding
J/K - Just kidding
JM2C - Just My 2 Cents
JMO - Just My Opinion
JMHO - Just My Honest Opinion
JIMP - Just In My Opinion
JIMHO - Just In MY Honest Opinion
KISS - Keep It Simple Stupid
KIT - Keep In Touch
KMA - Kiss My Ass
KWIM - Know What I Mean
KYFC - Keep Your Fingers Crossed
LDR - long distance relationship
L8R -Later
LJBF - Lets Just Be Friends
LL - Low Libidos
LMA - Laugh My Ass Off
LMHO - Laugh My Head Off
LMP - Last Menstrual Period
LOE - Lost Of Erection
LOE - Lost Of Erection
LOL - Laughing Out Loud
LTNS - Long Time No See
LTS - Laughing To Self
LY - Love You
LYLB - Love Ya, Later, Bye
<:-| Dunce/just made a stupid statement
:-8( Condescending
:-8( Condescending
8-# Dead
:@ or :{ What?
[]:* Hugs & kisses!
:@ or :{ What?
[]:* Hugs & kisses!
@>-->-- A rose
m(_ _)m Deep bow used for apologizing or
expressing thanks (viewed from the front).
<<<<(:-) Dunce.
m(_ _)m Deep bow used for apologizing or
expressing thanks (viewed from the front).
<<<<(:-) Dunce.
*<:-) Santa Claus
3:*> Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
8(:-) Mickey Mouse
:-----} Pinocchio
@@@@8^) Marge Simpson
=(_8^(1) Homer Simpson
38^) Bart Simpson
=|:-)= Uncle Sam/Abe Lincoln
7:-) Fred Flintstone
5:-J Elvis
8(:-) Mickey Mouse
:-----} Pinocchio
@@@@8^) Marge Simpson
=(_8^(1) Homer Simpson
38^) Bart Simpson
=|:-)= Uncle Sam/Abe Lincoln
7:-) Fred Flintstone
5:-J Elvis
#(,'%/) Slept too long on one side or
Didn't have time to wash hair
%-( Confusion
&-| Tearful
%-( Confusion
&-| Tearful
&.(.. Crying
&:-) Curly hair
(-.-)Zzz... Sleeping
(:)-) Likes to scuba dive
(}-8] Left-handed bearded smiley with
(-.-)Zzz... Sleeping
(:)-) Likes to scuba dive
(}-8] Left-handed bearded smiley with
glasses and headphones
*<8-)X Party outfit with hat and bow-tie
+-(:-) The Pope
/8^{~ Hair line, glasses, moustache, and goatee
3:] Pet smiley
8:-) Glasses on forehead
:-' Smoker
*<8-)X Party outfit with hat and bow-tie
+-(:-) The Pope
/8^{~ Hair line, glasses, moustache, and goatee
3:] Pet smiley
8:-) Glasses on forehead
:-' Smoker
:-'| Has a cold
:-) ... :-( ... :-) ... :-( ... Manic depressive
:-)-O Smiling doctor with stethoscope
~#:-( "I just washed my hair, and I can't do nuthin' with it."
{{-}}} Refugee from the '60's
{:\/ Sounds/looks like a duck
{8-} Grinning mischievously (or just
:-) ... :-( ... :-) ... :-( ... Manic depressive
:-)-O Smiling doctor with stethoscope
~#:-( "I just washed my hair, and I can't do nuthin' with it."
{{-}}} Refugee from the '60's
{:\/ Sounds/looks like a duck
{8-} Grinning mischievously (or just
d :-o Hats off to your great idea
O+ Woman or appropriate for women
O 8-) The angelic halo look
O+ Woman or appropriate for women
O 8-) The angelic halo look
:-) Standard smiley face. User is happy
:-( Sad face
;-) Winky face - expressing a flirtatious
:-( Sad face
;-) Winky face - expressing a flirtatious
or a 'just kidding' remark
:-> User just made an especially mean
:-> User just made an especially mean
or sarcastic comment
O:-) User is angelic/just made a sweet
O:-) User is angelic/just made a sweet
and innocent remark /angel at heart
:-O Yelling or shocked. Can be typed
:-O Yelling or shocked. Can be typed
in bold for extra impact.
:-I Indifferent
:^) Profile smiley.
=) Variation on a classic.
#-) What a night!/has been staring
:-I Indifferent
:^) Profile smiley.
=) Variation on a classic.
#-) What a night!/has been staring
at a computer screen for 5 hours straight
:-$ Put your money where your mouth is!
:-P or :-p or :-6 Sticking tongue out (Na, na,
na na na!)
:-9 Yum!
:-@ Screaming/about to throw something
:*) Drunk
:-# or :-X An emoticon of many meanings -
:-$ Put your money where your mouth is!
:-P or :-p or :-6 Sticking tongue out (Na, na,
na na na!)
:-9 Yum!
:-@ Screaming/about to throw something
:*) Drunk
:-# or :-X An emoticon of many meanings -
wears braces/kiss/my lips are sealed
8-) or B-) or ::-) Wearing glasses
B:-) Wearing glasses on head
R-) Broken glasses
(:-) Bald/wearing a bike helmet
:-{} Wears lipstick
{:-{) Has a moustache and a toupee
@:-) Wears a turban
$-) Just won a large sum of money
:-T Keeping a straight face/tight lipped
:-y Said with a smile
:'-( or :~-( Crying
:-Q or :-! Smoker
%-/ Hangover
|-O Bored/yawn
=:-) Hosehead/punk
:-D Big mouth/grinning
:+) Big nose
[:-) Walkman
;^) Smirking
(:-D Blabbermouth
:-& Tongue tied
:-S Just made a statement that didn't make sense
:-/ Skeptical
:-C Very, very sad
%-/ Brain dead
8-) or B-) or ::-) Wearing glasses
B:-) Wearing glasses on head
R-) Broken glasses
(:-) Bald/wearing a bike helmet
:-{} Wears lipstick
{:-{) Has a moustache and a toupee
@:-) Wears a turban
$-) Just won a large sum of money
:-T Keeping a straight face/tight lipped
:-y Said with a smile
:'-( or :~-( Crying
:-Q or :-! Smoker
%-/ Hangover
|-O Bored/yawn
=:-) Hosehead/punk
:-D Big mouth/grinning
:+) Big nose
[:-) Walkman
;^) Smirking
(:-D Blabbermouth
:-& Tongue tied
:-S Just made a statement that didn't make sense
:-/ Skeptical
:-C Very, very sad
%-/ Brain dead
Monday, 25 January 2010
i lyk nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is a necessary ingredient in living, it's a way of looking at life thru' d wrong end of a telescope, which is what i do, and dat enables u to laugh at lyf's realities.
do u ever juz get dat feeling where u don't want to talk to anybody? u don't want to smile, and u don't want to fake being happy. but at d same tym, u don't know exactly what is wrong either. There isn't a way to explain it to sum1 hu doesn't already understand. If u cud want anything in d world it wud b to b alone, ppl hav stopped being comforting..nd being alone never was, atleast when ur alone no one constatly asks u what is wrong and there isn't anyone hu won't take 'i don't know' for an answer. You feel d way u do juz BECAUSE. You hope d feeling will pass soon and dat u will b able to b urself again, but until then all u can do is wait.
Lyf is made up of yrs dat mean nothing, and moments dat mean it all.
when ders so much beauty in d world sometimes i feel lyk i'm seeing it all at once, and its too much, my heart fills up lyk a balloon dats about to burst. and den i remmber to relax nd stop trying to hold on to it, and den it flows thru me lyk rain and i can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid lyf.
for all d ppl hu talk about me and think its affecting me..its alringt...i jus sit back and think to myself a fun club.
sumtyms we must get hurt in order to grow we must fail in order to know, sumtyms our vision clears only after out eyes are washed away wid tears.
we lose so much of hu we are, by pretending to b what were not, and so much of what we love, by not realizing dat we do.
u spend twelve yrs of ur lyf trying to learn how to live, but every tym u try to live in those twelve yrs ur told ur wrong, den everyone u've grown to love is taken away, and scattered, dats what dey shud teach u---- how to say goodbye ..
do u ever juz get dat feeling where u don't want to talk to anybody? u don't want to smile, and u don't want to fake being happy. but at d same tym, u don't know exactly what is wrong either. There isn't a way to explain it to sum1 hu doesn't already understand. If u cud want anything in d world it wud b to b alone, ppl hav stopped being comforting..nd being alone never was, atleast when ur alone no one constatly asks u what is wrong and there isn't anyone hu won't take 'i don't know' for an answer. You feel d way u do juz BECAUSE. You hope d feeling will pass soon and dat u will b able to b urself again, but until then all u can do is wait.
Lyf is made up of yrs dat mean nothing, and moments dat mean it all.
when ders so much beauty in d world sometimes i feel lyk i'm seeing it all at once, and its too much, my heart fills up lyk a balloon dats about to burst. and den i remmber to relax nd stop trying to hold on to it, and den it flows thru me lyk rain and i can't feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid lyf.
for all d ppl hu talk about me and think its affecting me..its alringt...i jus sit back and think to myself a fun club.
sumtyms we must get hurt in order to grow we must fail in order to know, sumtyms our vision clears only after out eyes are washed away wid tears.
we lose so much of hu we are, by pretending to b what were not, and so much of what we love, by not realizing dat we do.
u spend twelve yrs of ur lyf trying to learn how to live, but every tym u try to live in those twelve yrs ur told ur wrong, den everyone u've grown to love is taken away, and scattered, dats what dey shud teach u---- how to say goodbye ..
Saturday, 23 January 2010
pisces astrology
Pisces Strength:
Pisces Weakness
pisces will go out of der way to help a frnd. they are extremely sensitive and loyal, they will take a frnds problem and make it der own and suffer with dem, this is the weak spot of pisces but any frnd of diz zodiac sign shud know that although dey r attracted to ppl wid severe problms hu desperately need help, dis actually does more harm them gud. even tho pisces will offer to mke everything ryt, do not allow dem to take on all ur prblms bec. dey will lose der identity in ur situaxon. they need a strong positive frnd to mke dem strong.
pisces like adventure and soxal events., a pisces frnd will always hav sumthing exciting in mind and it is very fulfilling, long lasting frndxhip.
pisces and temperament:
the pisces personlity is hard to pin down, it is very mysterious and elusive. pisces are molded by der surroundings, dey have extreme compaxon and they feel the pain of others, if sumthing is wrong in the world dat affects dem, it affects dem deeply, dey take it ti heart and feel exetreme feelings regarding the matter, when they are happy, dey r extremely happy, and when they are sad they are extremely depressed.
Pisces Deep Inside:
Pisces have an intuitive and psychic ability more then any other zodiac signs. They trust their gut feelings and if they do not, they quickly learn to because they realize that their hunches are usually correct. Pisces downfall is their sensitivity and their inability to reject another person. They do not like rejection and they try to treat others the way they want to be treated so they will rarely say no to a person for fear of hurting their feelings. They will help another person with their problems and like to do so because making others feel good in turn makes them feel good. Pisces is the zodiac sign of self-undoing. People born under this zodiac sign are not susceptible to bad luck and unfortunate events, they bring them on themselves by overindulging, laziness and a knack for picking poorly suited partners and friends. They want people in their life who stir their emotions because this helps them to practice emotional stability. The inner conflict of Pisces is extremes of temperament and conflicting emotions. They are trying to pinpoint themselves on the real world while their spiritual world can cloud their vision, they will try to escape or avoid a situation instead of confronting it. Pisces eternal struggle is to learn to use their powers and their imagination in a positive, productive way and vying for emotional stability by not giving away their emotions to everyone else, they need to help themselves.
Pisces in a Nutshell:
Pisces is the sign of mysticism, mystery and the spiritual unknown. Pisces live in two worlds, the real world and the spiritual or mystical world where they interpret what they see into what they want. They do this to avoid all the realities of pain and suffering in the world. They have extremes of emotions and feel both good and bad intensively. Pisces have formidable intuitive ability. Most Pisces are somehow involved with occult or spiritualism. Pisces are very good at understanding people for they have the ability to delve into the psyche and see behind a person's motivations. Pisces are prone to drug addiction and indulging lifestyles because of their eternal search for themselves and their fear of confrontation and having to change a situation, also they justify drug use by allowing it to get closer with their 'spiritual selves'. Once they aware this is why they are doing it, it will be easier to kick the habit. Pisces are not the pushovers that they may seem, in fact they have strength of character and will stand up for what they believe in and and they can do hard work for something they believe in. They can be very lazy but only in matters that they do not care about. Pisces is the most sensitive of all zodiac signs.
What it's Like to Date a Pisces Woman:
Pisces women are very captivating and fascinating. She makes a man feel like a man because of her need for a protector and leader. She is charming, soft and feminine. The ultimate enchantress. She can see right through a man and she is not easy to fool, so any man better be straight with her and not lead her on, because instead of confronting him, she will simply disappear. She needs to nurture and will give the man orders, but only for his own good. She will make sure he is eating properly and getting enough sleep, sort of like a mother nurturing a child. What she needs in return is a man to protect and cherish her, make her feel like she is needed and loved. She might almost be clingy and dependent but never overbearingly. Her partner will become of better half. She needs patience and sympathy and you have to be gentle with her. Don't poke fun or tease and definitely do not reject her harshly because she can't stand rejection. She is extremely romantic and will lose herself in the relationship. The Pisces woman is the ultra feminine nurturer, the ideal woman for the right man.
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Pisces Woman
A Pisces female is full of womanly charms and at the very first glance, she will look like the girl every guy falls in love with. She looks totally vulnerable, very different from the modern, liberated girl of today. Almost every guy feels like taking her in his arms and protecting her from the big bad world. She is one of those women who stand behind their husbands and support them in every way they can. A Piscean female will never try to dominate her husband. Rather she will like it if you do the usual gallant gestures, like holding the door for her. She wants her man to love her, protect her and take good care of her. She will lean on him completely, showing full confidence in his strength and abilities. This acts like a solid ego boost to almost every male. She will always be a patient listener, with whom you can share all your secret dreams, desires and hopes. She doesn't have a single masculine streak in her and if you are looking for the typical womanly traits, then Pisces girl is the one for you. She is totally feminine, in all the seasons and at all the places. She can sit adoringly with you, admiring your each and every quality. The warmth of her personality makes most the men relax in an instant and bask in the glory of their manhood. Enough for the initial falling in and courtship period! Now comes the time of marriage and life after that. A Pisces woman nags just like all the other women and she has a bad temper too. In her fury, she can turn bitterly sarcastic. The consolation here is that she is gentle for more periods, than she is nudging and prodding. Infact, majority of the time, she will be yielding, wistful and all womanly. Her scathing tongue will become loose once in a while only. In case you have found the opposite characteristics profile in a Piscean woman, chances are that she suffered extremely harsh treatment at a very young age and the bitterness will be a result of that trauma only. She has certain subtleness around her and may also become a little deceptive at times. She is not mean; it's just that she feels like keeping certain things to herself only. Then, the deceptiveness also helps her in keeping you interested in her. A Pisces female is very sentimental and even slightly harsh words can cause her to cry hours at end. You can easily imagine what will happen when you really hurt her feelings. She may imagine herself to totally worthless and incapable of the fighting spirit to survive. Then, you will have to assure her that she is appreciated for her great wisdom, empathy and vast understanding. You know that whatever you are saying is true; it's just a matter of convincing her about the same. You will have to remove her doubts about herself or she may become too closeted in self-defense. A Pisces girl is very shy, emotional and vulnerable. To protect her susceptibility, she often wears a cloak of wittiness, frigidity and independence. She is afraid of exposing her true self, lest people hurt her in the process. She is a true romantic and secretly yearns for a person who will love her, cuddle her, hug her and make her feel loved and protected. As a mother she may be too permissive and find it difficult to teach discipline. You may have to teach her the fine balance between controlling and pampering. A Piscean female will sacrifice her own dreams to realize the hopes of her children. She may not be good with finances, but will manage to save money if the situation so desires. She will remember the smallest incidents of your life, so you better remember her birthday and your anniversary. She may become dreamy once in a while, but then she will always be there with you, without being asked to. She is someone you will want to take care of, throughout your life!
How To Attract A Pisces Lover
So you want to attract the attention of a special Pisces someone, eh?
Pisces can make for dreamy and super sensual encounters that leave your mind, body and soul all aching for more.
Read on and let's learn how to make yourself absolutely IRRESISTIBLE to a Pisces lover, male or female...
#1 - CONVERSATION: You can always count on Pisces being interested in and stimulated by intelligent conversation about art, books, poetry, music or movies.
Another way to keep Pisces attention is to delve into metaphysics and the esoteric: spirituality, the occult, mysticism, the supernatural, reincarnation, etc. Even Pisceans who aren't actually all that into such things (and there's not many Pisces who are not) are easily captivated by discussions about it.
Another way to keep Pisces attention is to delve into metaphysics and the esoteric: spirituality, the occult, mysticism, the supernatural, reincarnation, etc. Even Pisceans who aren't actually all that into such things (and there's not many Pisces who are not) are easily captivated by discussions about it.
Tactfully confide your problems to the Pisces object of your desire. Pisces are fantastic listeners and the interest they show in your stories is almost always sincere.
Whatever you do, don't come off as being too overwhelmed by your problems or unable to cope as this is disconcerting to a Pisces. Pisceans have an unusual empathy and understanding for those caught in a struggle, but they prefer to be around people who who are strong and supportive, with a dream and/or a plan, and a positive hands-on attitude about life.
One good way to discuss tough issues with a Pisces is to talk about your difficulties with humor. Pisceans are naturally funny people who love to laugh and will be impressed by you shrugging your cares away with a smile.
Ask a Pisces about a subject that you know they know a lot about. (Heads Up: Pisceans are naturally artistic, with a real appreciation and eye for the arts, so you are never going to screw things up moving in that direction.)
If you do the above, Pisces will soon open up to you. You might even find it difficult to wrest control back over the conversation.
Pisceans love to share and talk, discuss and grow. If they sense you are into the topic, you might find yourself chatting until the sun comes up!
Always greet a Pisces with a compliment or repeat a flattering statement or nickname they are known by. Pisces soak up flattery like a sponge.
Above all, be romantic and sentimental. Remember important things like birthday and anniversary dates. Pisceans are extremely gracious and thoughtful and they never forget kindness (or a stinging unkindness, either!).
Pisces Love Compatibility Characteristics
Positive Pisces Love Characteristics:
Loving, spiritual, sympathetic, in-tune, easy to get along with, artistic, romantic. Pisces are caring, intuitive mates and favor the security of long-term monogamous relationships.
Not-So-Positive Pisces Love Characteristics:
Tender-hearted, flighty, not great with money, prone to escapism and emotional peaks and valleys. Can be needy.
Love Comes Easy To Pisces Love comes easily and naturally to Pisces. Hopelessly romantic, Pisces are affectionate, committed and loyal partners. Pisces have the natural ability to read and understand their mate's feelings and needs fairly effortlessly. Quite often, that can lead to a lot of hurt for gentle Pisces who might not too easily find a mate that "gets" them quite the same way.
Pisces & Aquarius Pisces and Aquarius vacilate between harmony and conflict. Some of the great partnerships of all time feature the Pisces and Aquarius dynamic. This push/pull is both an incredible catalyst but also a potential powderkeg.
Pisces & Pisces Pisces and other Pisces enjoy effortless communication amongst themselves and the deep contentment that comes from truly being understood and loved unconditionally. But there is a lot of room for disaster when two Pisces split in divergent directions. Inevitably, it is deeply hurtful for both. But when it works... It's magic.
Pisces & Aries Pisces and Aries are quite literally like fire and water. The pioneering and adventurous Aries spirit can be very exciting to the easy going Pisces. The calming safety of Pisces can be a perfect respite when Aries needs someone to understand why they are so determined and adventurous. On the other hand, Pisces are not nearly as driven as Aries which can cause problems for either.
Pisces & Taurus Pisces and Taurus are compatible but the relationship can often be a case of the have and have nots. Taurus likes nice things, money equals security to Taurus and having both is paramount. PIsces also enjoy and appreciate finer things in life though Pisces are not nearly as naturally inclined to "acquire" as Taurus.
Pisces & Gemini Pisces and Gemini are the spice of life. Both Pisces and Gemini love variety and a wealth of life experiences. Both are especially adaptable to new experiences and situations and both are excellent communicators. Pisces and Gemini are likely to have many different things going at one time.
Pisces & Cancer Pisces and Cancer have a shared connection to love and the family. Cancer is a caretaker and needs emotional commitment and security in a relationship. Pisces love to shower their mates with love and attention so this fulfills that needs well. Pisces also tend to rely on their mates heavily which plays to the Cancer tendencies towards protection and safety.
Pisces & Leo Pisces and Leo can irritate each other initially as Leo is the leader of the pack, and Pisces tend to be wary of hypercompetitive alpha types. When Pisces can give Leo full undivided attention and Leo can learn to rely on Pisces incredible intuition and talent this can be a fruitful relationship full of all that life can offer.
Pisces & Virgo Pisces and Virgo brings the technical and efficient Virgo ingenuity together with the creative, imaginative thinking that is so evident in Pisces. Virgo wants good health and things done right while Pisces are obliging and geat at problem solving.
Pisces & Libra Libras can be particularly compatible with Pisces in long-term relationships as the balanced Libra helps offset the spontaneous Pisces spirit. Libra is well mannered and proper with a great sense of style. Pisces appreciate the beauty and cultured personality of Libra.
Pisces & Scorpio Pisces and Scorpio are most compatible when Pisces can be pragmatic and decisive. Scorpio is prone to strong likes and dislikes and is extremely loyal or equally hostile towards perceived enemies. The world is very black and white to Scorpio. Pisces find it very easy to read Scorpio because they often communicate nonverbally with looks and posture rather than words.
Pisces & Sagittarius Pisces and Sagittarius can be a mind-blowing partnership as both have great capacity for self-awareness and continually reaching new levels of personal understanding. Sagittarius and Pisces are both enthusiastic and good sports making for lots of happy times and smiles.
Pisces & Capricorn Pisces and Capricorn relationships often revolve around the pursuit of power or authority. Capricorn needs to be an authority figure and Pisces can only take so much of a taskmaster before lashing out with righteos indignation and if you've never seen gentle Pisces ticked off, look out!
All About Pisces - The Pisces Sign
Born February 19 - March 20The Zodiac Birth Sign of Pisces is ruled by Neptune. The Pisces symbol, featuring a pair of fish swimming head to tail in a circle is representative of life after death or reincarnation. Pisces are governed by a duality, a struggle of the spiritual soul within the physical body. Pisces are deeply creative and artistic, with enhanced intuitive abilities. Pisces is the last of the twelve zodiac signs. Pisces make great friends and romantic partners.
Pisces Personality Traits
Pisces are the most impressionable of the twelve zodiac signs. Deeply empathetic, they often exhibit a gentle, patient nature, but one that is in want of inspiration. Pisces can be deeply affected by and completely absorbed into their environment.
Pisces adapt well to their circumstances, both good and bad. They are generous, amiable, positive natured people with a deep sense of kindness and compassion. Pisces are highly tuned in to everything around them including the feelings of others.
Pisces are socially popular because of their easygoing and likable manner. They have an uncanny sense of perceiving what a person wants or needs, and delivering it. Pisces are reflexive, preferring to allow circumstances and events to unfold and, only then responding.
Pisces are not typical people. They are too idealistic and impractical for every day run of the mill living. Pisces are sensitive and instinctual rather than bookish or mechanical.
When Pisces find the right situations, they are capable of some incredible deeds. Pisces completely and wholly engage in a chosen path, to the exclusion of everything else. This obsessive compulsive energy can be healthy and not. Pisces can be workaholics (and other kind of -aholics too).
Positive Pisces Personality Traits
Pisces excel in situations where they can leverage their imaginative and intuitive nature. They are exceptionally gifted artistically. Pisces are often intensely interested and skilled at a wide variety of things and tend to learn by absorption as opposed to logic. Pisces are loyal, family oriented, kind and giving. They are receptive to new ideas and circumstances. Pisces have an uncanny ability to nurture and support which is directly related to their powerful intuition.
Pisces make profound artists of all types because they possess great, vivid imaginations. That powerful creativity is often expressed in music, literature, drama and art. Pisces love style, luxury and pleasure, and are always ready for new adventures. When Pisces travel, they enjoy unique, exotic, luxurious places as well as modest, indigenous settings where like to live as the locals do.
Main positive personality traits: Uncommon ability to instinctively respond to given situations; compassionate; understanding; artistic, sacrificing.
Negative Pisces Personality Traits
Pisces are often scatterbrains. They don't do well in highly structured or regimented situations and generally buck convention. Pisces can be so emotional, needy and intense that they can end up being a real drag to people around them.
In business, Pisces can be unreliable, unmotivated, easily distracted, and have their heads in the clouds all the time. The not so nice side of Pisces manifests as being a gossip, indiscreet, and gullible.
Pisces are easily lied to because they so want to believe. No matter how often they are led astray by empty promises, they keep the faith and push on toward their personal ideal. Their dreamy and impractical natures can be a source of distress to those close to them. Being both optimistic and cynical, Pisces find it difficult to make up their minds on any issue.
Main negative personality traits: Lazy, impractical, unrealistic, fearful, emotionally restrained, melancholy.
Pisces Profession & Career
In the career department, Pisces are often better working for themselves than for someone else. Their innate sympathy equips them for careers in charity, catering to the needy, as a nurse, looking after the sick, or as a veterinarian, caring for animals.
Pisces have an intrinsic love of water, and are particularly well-suited towards jobs that keep them near the sea. Pisces notable creativity includes a natural ability to imitate or mirror another person as well as enter into their feelings. These attributes also make Pisces incredible character actors, and many Pisceans find great success on stage or in films.
Pisces make fantastic salespeople, copywriters, marketing creatives and advertising executives. The much vaunted Pisces empathy for others makes them very effective in civil service and in the legal arena, particularly as an advocate for the less fortunate. Many police officers, attorneys and judges are Pisces.
Pisces intuitive and metaphysical nature can lead them into careers in religion or to service as mediums and psychics. The search for spiritual meaning is never-ending for Pisces and a work situation that helps them follow this quest can be deeply rewarding.
Owing to their versatility and adaptability, Pisces can often follow several radically different career paths during their lifetime. For example, it is not at all uncommon for a Pisces to work effectively in one long-term "day job" capacity, while pursuing a radically different "passion" after work or on weekends. Where others may feel encumbered by their work identity, Pisces chameleon-like capacity for change allows them to shed their skin and pursue things others can only dream about while stuck in their rut.
Warning for Pisces
When Pisces feel rejected or get the blues, they REALLY get the blues. Pisces are easily lured to drugs or alcohol for escape or distraction. Pisces should avoid this for obvious reasons, but particularly because of their highly addictive, compulsive nature.
Pisces can easily develop a variety of vice habits including excessive gambling, compulsive shopping, and overspending.
Pisces can suffer from a general lack of decisiveness and are easily distracted from their objectives. Pisces have a propensity towards depression and restlessness when not feeling fulfilled. They should live in sunny, warm climates, close to bodies of water.
Pisces should be ritualistic about exercise and fitness in order to fight back melancholy. Pisces must make a concerted effort to avoid their restlessness and desire to do something new in order to succeed and make their life work better.
The word melancholy is used both as a noun and as an adjective and you can use the word for a very deep feeling of sadness. Usually the word is used for a kind of sadness the reason of which is hard to explain and the feeling also lasts for a long time. The following sentence can make the meaning of the word quite clear as it is used in the context to make you understand well: Though we had all the facilities available to enjoy, an indescribable feeling of melancholy descended over us.
everytym dey messed up, i always pick up d pieces alone
and u know whats really stupid
wid dat little pieces i olways try ti fix dem agen
myb by d tym i find d ryt one honestly i don't know what dat little pieces lukz lyk
and u know what's i'm afraid of
by d tym d ryt one cumz, i won't have anything left in me
to love him back.
and u know whats really stupid
wid dat little pieces i olways try ti fix dem agen
myb by d tym i find d ryt one honestly i don't know what dat little pieces lukz lyk
and u know what's i'm afraid of
by d tym d ryt one cumz, i won't have anything left in me
to love him back.
i wish i was good enough and worth fighting for
and yes i am...but ppl don't see me dat way
i hate being not gud enough, being dumped, being rejected
fuck my lyk u know wut i don't fink u cn break me agen
coz i get used to it i can deal wid it
tr8 me d way u want to, say wut u want and i don't gve a xhit
they made me into diz
and remmbering ppl hu messed up wid mii mking me feel worthless,rejected,feeling hopeless
and yes i am...but ppl don't see me dat way
i hate being not gud enough, being dumped, being rejected
fuck my lyk u know wut i don't fink u cn break me agen
coz i get used to it i can deal wid it
tr8 me d way u want to, say wut u want and i don't gve a xhit
they made me into diz
and remmbering ppl hu messed up wid mii mking me feel worthless,rejected,feeling hopeless
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